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Account - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication
Account for managing the authentication and credentials.
Account() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication.Account
Creates a new Account with the Account.createdAt set to the current time.
Account(String, AuthAccount) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication.Account
Creates a new Account with the given API-key and credentials.
accountRepository - Variable in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
AccountRepository for the accounts with the authentication
AccountRepository - Interface in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories
Repository for the account data.
addMedia(Media) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Adds a media to the post.
addPost(Post) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Adds a Post to the User.posts of the user.
apiKey() - Method in record class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthAccount
Returns the value of the apiKey record component.
AuthAccount - Record Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth
Represents an account with the authentication data.
AuthAccount(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthAccount
Creates an instance of a AuthAccount record class.
AuthController - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth
The rest controller for handling authentication.
AuthController() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthController
AuthService - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth
The service for the authentication related tasks.
AuthService() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthService


BaseController - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base
This class is the base class for all other controllers.
BaseController(BaseService) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseController
Constructor for the BaseController.
BaseService - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base
This class is the base class for all other services.
BaseService(Platform) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Constructor which sets up all values
BaseService(Platform, WebClient) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Constructor which sets up all values


CACHED_HOURS - Static variable in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
How many hours the user will be a valid cache.
ch.bztf.m226blb1 - package ch.bztf.m226blb1
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.GraphQL - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.GraphQL
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter
ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils - package ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils
containsNumber(String) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.Credentials
Checks if the string contains a digit.
createAccount(AuthAccount) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthService
Creates a new account with an API-Key for the given Instagram email and password.
Credentials - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth
The class for validating parameters and creating API-Keys.


deleteAccount(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthService
Deletes an account with the given API-Key.
deleteByApiKey(String) - Method in interface ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories.AccountRepository
Deletes an account by its api key
deleteKey(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthController
Deletes an account with the given API-key
docs() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.SnsApplication


email() - Method in record class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthAccount
Returns the value of the email record component.
equals(Object) - Method in record class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthAccount
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication.Account
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Media
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
equalsIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.Helper
Compares the given strings for equality while ignoring the case.
existsByCredStartsWith(String) - Method in interface ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories.AccountRepository
Checks if an account with the given username exists.
extractLimit(Optional<Integer>) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.Credentials
Extracts and validates the limit to a integer.


findByApiKey(String) - Method in interface ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories.AccountRepository
Finds an account by its api key
findByAuthor(User) - Method in interface ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories.PostRepository
Finds all posts by the given user.
findByUsernameAndPlatform(String, Platform) - Method in interface ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories.UserRepository
Finds a user by the given username and platform.


generateApiKey(AuthAccount) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.Credentials
Creates an API-key for the given account.
generateKey(AuthAccount) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthController
Post method for generating an API-key for the given account.
generateResponse() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.ResponseHandler
Creates a response entity from the current class.
generateResponse(Object, String, HttpStatus) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.ResponseHandler
Creates a response entity with a data, message and status.
generateResponse(String, HttpStatus) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.ResponseHandler
Creates a response entity with a message and status.
getBaseWebClient() - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Returns the builder for building the web client
getInstance(Platform) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.RateLimiter
Gets the rate limiter for the given platform.
getJsonData(String, String, String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Gets the user json data from the API
getPostRequestUri(String, int) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Gets the uri for requesting the posts data
getPostRequestUri(String, int) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramService
getPostRequestUri(String, int) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterService
getPosts() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Gets the User.posts of the user.
getPosts(String, String, int) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Gets the posts from the user username by platform
getPosts(String, String, Optional<Integer>) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseController
Gets the posts of a user by its username.
getPosts(String, String, Optional<Integer>) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramController
getPosts(String, String, Optional<Integer>) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterController
getUser(String, String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Gets the user stats from username by platform
getUser(String, String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseController
Gets the stats of a user by its username.
getUser(String, String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramController
getUser(String, String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterController
getUserRequestUri(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Gets the uri for requesting the user data
getUserRequestUri(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramService
getUserRequestUri(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterService
GIF - Enum constant in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.MediaType
GIF media type.
GraphQLEndpoint - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.GraphQL
GraphQL Endpoint for the GraphQL API.
GraphQLEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.GraphQL.GraphQLEndpoint


hashCode() - Method in record class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthAccount
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication.Account
hashCode() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Media
hashCode() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
hashCode() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
hasMedia() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Checks if the post contains a media.
Helper - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils
Helper class for the project.


IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.MediaType
Image media type.
INSTAGRAM - Enum constant in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Platform
The Instagram platform.
InstagramController - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram
InstagramController(InstagramService) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramController
Constructor for the InstagramController.
InstagramService - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram
InstagramService() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramService
Constructor for the InstagramService.
isValidCache() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Check if the cached user is still valid (not older than 12 hours)
isValidUsername(String) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.Credentials
Checks if the username is valid.


LIMIT - Static variable in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.RateLimiter
The limit (900) of requests.


main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.SnsApplication
The main method with starts the application.
mapJsonToPosts(String, int) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterService
mapJsonToPosts(String, int) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramService
mapJsonToPosts(String, int) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Maps the JSON data to a set of posts
mapJsonToUser(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
Maps the JSON data to a user object
mapJsonToUser(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramService
mapJsonToUser(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterService
Media - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities
Entity for managing the media.
Media() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Media
Default constructor.
Media(MediaType, String) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Media
Constructor for creating a new media.
MediaType - Enum Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities
Enum for the media's type.


password() - Method in record class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthAccount
Returns the value of the password record component.
Platform - Enum Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities
Enum for the user's platform.
Post - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities
Root entity for the posts.
Post() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Default constructor.
Post(String, Instant, int, int, Set<String>, String) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Creates a new Post with all fields set.
postRepository - Variable in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
PostRepository for saving the posts
PostRepository - Interface in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories
Repository for the post entity.
posts(DgsDataFetchingEnvironment, Optional<Integer>) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.GraphQL.GraphQLEndpoint
Gets limit posts from a user


RateLimiter - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils
This class is used to limit the amount of requests.
regenerateAPIKey(AuthAccount) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthService
Regenerates the API-Key for the given account.
regenerateKey(AuthAccount) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthController
Put method for regenerating an API-key for the given account
removeMedia(Media) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Removes a media from the post.
ResponseHandler<T> - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils
Handler for the response of the REST API.
ResponseHandler(String, HttpStatus) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.ResponseHandler
Constructor with the message and the status.
ResponseHandler(T, String, HttpStatus) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.ResponseHandler
Constructor for all fields.


service - Variable in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseController
BaseService for requesting the data
setAiPrediction(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Sets the AI prediction to the given value.
setAuthor(User) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Sets the author of the post.
setBio(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Sets the to the given value.
setDescription(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
Sets the Post.description to the given value.
setName(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Sets the to the given value.
setPost(Post) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Media
Sets the post of the media.
setPosts(Set<Post>) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Sets the User.posts of the user.
setProfilePictureUrl(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Sets the User.profilePictureUrl to the given value.
setUrl(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Media
Sets the Media.url of the media.
setUsername(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Sets the User.username to the given value.
setWebsite(String) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Sets the to the given value.
SnsApplication - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1
M226B - LB1 - SnsApplication
SnsApplication() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.SnsApplication
Hidden constructor for the SnsApplication class.
status() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseController
Check if the controller is up and running.
status() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Instagram.InstagramController
status() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterController


TEXT - Enum constant in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.MediaType
Text media type.
toString() - Method in record class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.AuthAccount
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Authentication.Account
toString() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Media
toString() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Post
toString() - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
toUpperCaseNullable(String) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.Helper
Converts the given string to a upper case string.
trimToSize(String, int) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.Helper
Trims the given string to the given length, appending ... if the string is longer than the given length.
tryConsume(long) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Utils.RateLimiter
Checks if the given platform is allowed to make a request.
TWITTER - Enum constant in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Platform
The Twitter platform.
TwitterController - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter
TwitterController(TwitterService) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterController
Constructor for the TwitterController.
TwitterService - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter
TwitterService(String) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.Twitter.TwitterService
Constructor for the TwitterService.


UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.MediaType
Unknown media type.
user(String, String, Platform) - Method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Platforms.GraphQL.GraphQLEndpoint
Get a user from a platform
User - Class in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities
User entity for managing the user data and their posts.
User() - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Creates a new User with the User.cachedSince set to the current time.
User(Platform, String, String, String, String, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.User
Creates a new User with the User.cachedSince set to the current and all fields set.
userRepository - Variable in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
UserRepository for caching the users
UserRepository - Interface in ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Repositories
Repository for the User Entity


validateApiKey(String) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.Credentials
Validates if the api key is valid.
validateCredentials(AuthAccount) - Static method in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Auth.Credentials
Validates an Auth-Account for the given email and password.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.MediaType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Platform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.MediaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.Platform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Database.Entities.MediaType
Video media type.


webClient - Variable in class ch.bztf.m226blb1.Base.BaseService
WebClient for requesting data from the API
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values